
This is a synthesis of the masthead over the 12 issues.

Lots of people created content for this publication, lending their knowledge, skills, and support - and most of them are still involved in the Carpatho-Rusyn community today.

editor: Brian J. Požun

cover design: Maria Silvestri

tech: Michael Decerbo

editorial assistance: Rich Custer & Maria Silvestri

webmaster: Željko Koljesar

* contributors: Vladimir Bodjanec, Monika Budinski, Rich Custer, Bogdan Horbal, Diane Hvasta, Vasyl’ Kocan, Željko Koljesar, Miško Migovič, Susyn Mihalasky, Michele Parvensky, Brian Požun, Nataša Rehak, Elaine Rusinko, Ivan Sabadoš, Cathy Silvestri, L'udmila Šprokhova, Laurel Tombazzi, Fedor Vico, Mikhail Dronov, Marek Gaj, Dr. Mikola Musynka, Aleksandra Dudaš, Oleksandr Havroš, Maria Silvestri, Mirko Hornjak Kole, Paul Robert Magocsi, Michele Parvensky, Jaroslav Jadpovs'kyj, Atila Kovač, O. Plancak-Sakac, Mihajlo Hornjak, Rene Kočik, Anne Nagrant, M. Zazuljak, Peter Josika, Robert Carl Metyl’, Irena Milanič, Sašo Paljenkaš, Mikulaš Popovič, Alena Blichová, Anna Rydzanyč

* thanks to: The Andy Warhol Foundation, Vladimir Bodjanec, Rich Custer, Bogdan Horbal, Narodny Novynky, Elaine Rusinko, Cathy Silvestri, Novi List, Pat Onufrak, Daniel Winfree Papuga, Ruske Slovo, Karen Varian, Besida, Mihailo Bodjanec, MAK, Nataša Rehak, Rusyn Magazine, Carpatho-Rusyn Society, Czech Center, Walter Maksimovich, Maria Mal'covska, Brian McHugh, Monika Budinski, Paul Robert Magocsi, John Matsko, Svit Ditej, Besida, Alena Blichová, Saša Kološnjaj, Dean Poloka, Jack Poloka, Jim Bobalik,, Joe Keselica, RIO News, Rusin Association of Minnesota, Rusyn Heritage Radio Program, Eurolang, Susyn Mihalasky, Anne Nagrant, John Righetti, Boris Varga,, Jan Lipinsky,, Wooden Churches of Maramures, Carpatho-Rusyn American, Podkarpatská Rus, Jerry Jumba, Munhall History, Pawk

* in order of first appearance