
Lots of the Outpost Dispatch content is woefully outdated, announcing long-over events or with broken weblinks that even has forgotten. But some of the articles and content from back then is still fresh, some of it shows the passage of time acutely, some of the articles were translated into English exclusively for Outpost Dispatch and have never appeared anywhere else since, and some of it is stuff we still don't see anyone else doing. So we're sharing our favorites from it now, hoping that it'll inspire our community to make being Carpatho-Rusyn their own, on their own terms, like we did back then and still do.

The content on this site is organized by issue. To view by subject, check out the Index.

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Issue 0 - 23 August 2003

Volume 1, Issue 1 - October 2003

Volume 1, Issue 2 - November 2003

Volume 1, Issue 3 - December 2003

Volume 2, Issue 1 - January 2004

Volume 2, Issue 2 - February 2004

Volume 2, Issue 3 - March 2004

Volume 2, Issue 4 - April 2004

Volume 2, Issue 5 - May 2004

Volume 2, Issue 6 - June 2004

The Hutsuls' Wild Dancing Queen!

Changing Identities in Northwest Romania

Minorities in the EU

Volume 2, Issue 7 - July 2004

Interethnic conflict, alliance and identity in the history of Slavjane

Taking it to the streets: A Street Art Primer for Rusyns

Will Rusyns ever agree on a flag?

A small, good-hearted nation in the heart of Europe

Slovenians in Italy

Book Review: The Miles Between Pittsburgh, New York, and Beyond

Volume 2, Issue 8 - August 2004

Filming "Akcja Wisla"

"Akcyja Visla" premieres

Sorbs in Germany